Our galaxy the Milky Way, is one of 50 or 100 billion other galaxies in the universe. And with every step, every window that modern astrophysics has opened to our mind, the person who wants to feel like they're the center of everything ends up shrinking. - @neildegrassetyson
Hope y'all ready to join us on another trip of exploring the cosmos , this time we are taking a trip deep beyond our cosmic horizon to take a look back at the galaxy we call home, The Milky Way.
Visable Diameter - estimated to be around 170,000 - 200, 000 Light years
Estimated to contain around 400 billion stars and at least that of planets as well. This is our galactic family. Take a good look, our entire solar system is located in a little section on the inner edge of the Orion arm. Such a humbling cosmic wonder. You won't want to miss this launch hope to see y'all soon! Best bring your and a cause we blast off in 2 weeks!